Education Partners

Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation

The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation is a public benefit cultural institution. Purpose of the Foundation is the promotion -in Greece and abroad- of Greek culture and especially Greek letters and historical and nautical research, as well as the operation of “Kaiti Laskaridis Library” and the Historical Library.

AMAKA is a non- profit organization founded in Athens, Greece, in 2008. Amaka specializes in the design and implementation of Social Arts and Education projects.
Η ΑΜΑΚΑ είναι μία μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση που ιδρύθηκε στην Αθήνα το 2008 και ειδικεύεται στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση προγραμμάτων εκπαίδευσης και κοινωνικής τέχνης
American Federation of Teachers

American Library Association
United States

Arts Award Supporter
United Kingdom

Arts Award is a unique set of qualifications that support children and young people aged 25 and under to enjoy the arts and develop as artists and arts leaders.
The activity pack for schools is full of ideas that use The Walk to explore themes of home, migration, fear, climate, adventure and welcome.
Here are some ideas for using Little Amal’s journey for the introductory level, Arts Award Discover. Download our specially designed arts log here.
Athens Comics Library

Athens Comics Library is a place of inspiration and learning around a collection that reaches 2,500 comic books. It hosts Baytna Hub for early childhood development support for refugee and migrant children and their careers.
AT The Bus

AT The Bus offers a school-based programme of art as therapy to support the education, mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 7-18.
CREA Associazione

CREA associazione culturale – Roma
Promuove il valore dell’Arte nello sviluppo creativo con laboratori rivolti a diverse fasce d’età nella scuola e sul territorio, iniziative culturali e spettacoli di Teatro Civile.
CREA cultural association – Rome
Promotes the value of art in creative development with workshops aimed at different age groups in the school and on the territory, cultural initiatives and civil theater performances.
Curious School of Puppetry

Curious School of Puppetry investigates and inspires puppetry performance in all its forms! We provide professional training for theatre-makers, and workshops for those wanting to explore puppetry.
Collège Rodin
Lycée Rodin is a French secondary and higher education establishment located in the 13ᵉ arrondissement.
Le lycée Rodin est un établissement français d’enseignement secondaire et supérieur situé dans le 13ᵉ arrondissement
Discovery Education

The Edge School of the Arts (ESOTA)
The Edge School of the Arts (ESOTA) was founded in 1996 and modeled after the prominent Bernice Johnson Cultural Arts Center, which stood as a beacon of cultural and artistic excellence in Southeast Queens for almost 50 years.
Beverly Edge (our Facilities Manager), was among BJ’s first students, and Beverly’s daughters – Donna, Wendy, and Kerri followed in their mother’s footsteps. In 1993, Kerri formed the children’s dance ensemble KECDE! (kekda) within the walls of the BJCAC. When BJ’s health declined, Beverly, Donna, Wendy and Kerri decided they could best continue her legacy by opening their own school and the Edge School of the Arts opened its doors in September of 1996. The school is family owned, and operated by management and teachers with years of professional dance training and experience.
Over the past 25 years, ESOTA has dedicated itself to bringing the art of African American dance to young aspiring artists and both community and international audiences. Our Artistic Director, Kerri Edge, is a visionary and is creative mind behind the organization’s programming. She has created a repertoire of works that celebrate African-American achievement and the development and administration of creative arts programming that exposes young people to multiple art genres incorporated with academic concepts.

The EECERA Children from Refugee and Migrant Backgrounds Special Interest Group (SIG) carries out inter-country policy and practice-relevant research on the experiences of forced migration of Refugee, Asylum seeking children and their families in order to transform ECEC into quality agencies that are socially-just, culturally-appropriate, welcoming and inclusive settings.
El Sistema Greece

El Sistema Greece is a community music project that provides free music education to children and young people in Greece, no matter their origin, nationality or religion.
Το El Sistema Greece είναι μουσικό πρόγραμμα κοινωνικής ένταξης που προσφέρει δωρεάν μαθήματα μουσικής σε παιδιά και νέους ανεξαρτήτως εθνικότητας, γλώσσας και θρησκείας.
Fédération Léo Lagrange

Founded in 1950, the Fédération Léo Lagrange is a network of 346 popular education associations focused on early childhood and educational activities.
Fondée en 1950, la Fédération Léo Lagrange est une association d’éducation populaire reconnue d’utilité publique qui intervient dans les champs de la petite enfance, de l’animation et de la formation professionnelle.
Girl Scouts of Greater New York

Girl Scouts of Greater New York is New York City’s oldest and largest girls’ leadership organization, reaching tens of thousands of girls ages 5 to 18 in every zip code of the five boroughs. Through Girl Scouts, girls explore STEM, business and entrepreneurship, environmental leadership, and outdoor adventure, advocacy, and so much more. Girl Scouting is ‘by girls, for girls,’ and today’s Girl Scouts learn to lead with courage, confidence, and character, to make the world a better place. Visit to learn more.
Greenside Film Factory (Primary Academy)

Greenside: an exciting place of experiential learning & breaking boundaries with students who believe in kindness & hope and are inspired to change the world!
Hellenic Children's Museum

The Hellenic Children’s Museum is a non-profit, educational and cultural organisation of public welfare, legally established in Athens, Greece in 1987.
I Folia Mas

Centre of Creative Activities for Children
International Fashion Academy

IFA Paris was established in 1982 to combine French fashion heritage with the modern globalized world. As the only institute in Paris offering all its undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught in English and French, IFA Paris caters to a highly international student body from all corners of the world.
Institute for American Musical Theater (IAMT)

Institute for American Musical Theater (IAMT) is a 2-Year acting, singing, and dancing conservatory taught by some of the most highly sought after working professionals in the industry. Founded in 2015 and located in Washington Heights, NYC; IAMT has grown to become one of the foremost conservatories in the country, with students working on Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theatre, tv/film, cruise ships and more around the globe. IAMT prides itself on teaching through community, love and excitement about students being able to share their art in a positive atmosphere. With state-of-the art dance/acting studios, black box theater and film/tv rooms, IAMT offers year-round training in bright open spaces. You can check out IAMT on their website at or on their Instagram @iamusicaltheatre.
Institute for Education Leadership
United States

Ippokampos Project

Ippokampos Project
ISN Nice

L’ISN Nice est pionnière de l’éducation internationale sur la Côte d’Azur depuis plus de 40 ans. L’école accueille des élèves de 42 nationalités différentes, de la Petite section de Maternelle à la Terminale.
ISN Nice offers an international education for children from preschool through to Grade 12. The school was founded more than 40 years ago.
International School of London
United Kingdom

At the International School of London, we celebrate our stories, our worth and our purpose to make a difference in a shared world.
It could be me - It could be you

“It could be me – it could be you” project – TENet in cooperation with UNHCR – is an educational awareness raising project on refugees and human rights using experiential learning, theatre and educational drama techniques. The project is implemented since 2015 by the Hellenic Theatre/ Drama Education Network (TENet- Gr) and the UNHCR representation in Greece.
«Kι αν ήσουν εσύ;», ένα εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα ενημέρωσης και ευαισθητοποίησης σε θέματα ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και προσφύγων με βιωματικές δραστηριότητες, τεχνικές θεάτρου και εκπαιδευτικού δράματος. Υλοποιείται από το 2015 από το Πανελλήνιο Δίκτυο για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση σε συνεργασία με το Γραφείο της Ύπατης Αρμοστείας του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες στην Ελλάδα.
United Kingdom

Karam House

Karam is a foundation for the future of Syria. We invest in young Syrian refugees and their communities with a special focus on innovative education. Our goal is to build 10,000 Syrian leaders by 2028.
Lena Chaidouti

Lena Chaidouti
Lewisham Education Arts Network
Libraries Without Borders
United States

Materials for the Arts

Materials for the Arts is New York City’s largest creative reuse center dedicated to supporting arts and cultural organizations. A program of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs with support from the Department of Education and Friends of Materials for the Arts, in 2018, MFTA collected 1.7 million pounds of reusable materials from businesses and individuals across the five boroughs. These items were made available, free of charge, to nonprofits with arts programming as well as New York City public schools and City agencies.
Noon Egno

Noon Egno
NYC Department for Education

NYC Department for Education: Through theater that fosters creative expression, discipline, collaboration, self-awareness and personal transformation, students of diverse backgrounds and abilities channel their energies into inspired artistic endeavors. Students engaged in Theater Making learn to respect differing perspectives while valuing the literary, oral, cultural traditions of societies. They learn multiple ways to express themselves, cultivate identity and develop empathy for others’ circumstances. Teaching and learning in theater develop confident learners, better prepared to participate actively in their education and contribute to their community.
Piraeus Open School for Immigrants
The Piraeus Open School for Migrants has been active in the field of solidarity education since 2005, while in 2006 it took the legal form of an association, with its ultimate aim being the educational and training support and the cultural advance of immigrants and refugees residing in our country.
Puppillon Puppet Therapy

Puppillon Puppet Therapy
Pramata & Thamata Centre of Creative Activities for Children

Pramata & Thamata Centre of Creative Activities for Children
Project Everyone

Project Everyone seeks to put the power of great communications behind the Global Goals to end extreme poverty and inequalities and tackle climate change.
Project Play

Project Play is a grassroots organisation set up in 2018 to provide displaced children across Northern France with safe spaces and psychosocial support through play.
Project Play est une association qui défend l’accès universel au jeux pour les enfants. Depuis août 2018, ses volontaires interviennent dans les campements et les centres d’hébergements du nord de la France pour organiser des activités ludiques et culturelles dédiées aux mineurs qui subissent la précarité de l’exil et des migrations.
PS146Q The Howard Beach School

At 146Q, we strive to ensure equity as we prepare and motivate our students for a global society by teaching them critical thinking skills, varied perspectives, perseverance and a respect for cultural differences, for them to be proactive members of society today and tomorrow.
Rama Samkari

Rete educativa Rione Sanità

The educational network of the Rione Sanità, a comparison between schools and territorial centers of the district, is configured as a territorial training system aimed at building an Educating Community.
La Rete educativa del Rione Sanità, confronto tra scuole e centri territoriali del quartiere, si configura come sistema formativo territoriale teso alla costruzione di una Comunità Educante.
Rose Bruford

Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance provides a distinctive collaborative learning environment of international standing, delivering rigorous professional and vocational education and training that promotes creativity, experimentation, diversity, and excellence.
SAMA Foundation

SAMA Foundation is a non-profit organization, headquartered in Istanbul. We believe in the ability of youth and support the power of education to bring positive change in the society.
1st Scouts Network of Chios
, Greece

Since 1913, the 1st Scout Network of Chios has been an active participant in the life of the island.
Spark Projects

Spark Projects is a UK-based non-profit that aims to promote digital literacy, for children from vulnerable groups, in Greece. Spark Projects runs interactive digital activities, free of charge, at partner organizations, looking to provide children with core digital skills and make them confident, self-reliant and safe, in the digital world.
H Spark Projects είναι μια αγγλική ΜΚΟ με δράση στην Ελλάδα, που στοχεύει να προωθήσει τον ψηφιακό αλφαβητισμό σε παιδιά από ευάλωτες ομάδες. Η Spark Projects προσφέρει δωρεάν διαδραστικές ψηφιακές δραστηριότητες, σε συνεργαζόμενους οργανισμούς, δωρεάν, να δώσει στα παιδιά βασικές ψηφιακές δεξιότητες και να καλλιεργήσουν την αυτοπεποίθηση, ανεξαρτησία και ασφάλειά τους, σε έναν ψηφιακό κόσμο.
Students Rebuild

Part art project, part lesson in global citizenship, Students Rebuild is a free, ready-made adventure in learning that lets K-12 students leverage their critical thinking, creativity, and compassion to create change on global issues and support their peers. A Bezos Family Foundation program.
Taye Training and Consultancy

Taye Training and Consultancy offers safeguarding training and consultancy dedicated to valuing people and helping you to operate safe services and transform lives. Using the ‘Training 4 Influence’ methodology.
The Tree of Knowledge Centre of Creative Activities for Children

“The Tree of Knowledge” spreads its branches acros 3 Greek cities (Ioannina-Igoumenitsa-Ptolemaida), being a place where children aged 5-12 can spend their time creatively outside school hours through a wide range of activities.
Toplum için Yenilik ve Yardım Derneği

Toplum için Yenilik ve Yardım Derneği was founded in 2017 with a mission to support refugees build their new lives in Turkey and become positive contributors to society.
The Hellenic Theatre /Drama & Education Network

The Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) is a teachers’ association, nonprofit organisation based in Greece and member of IDEA – International Drama/Theatre & Education Association
Το Πανελλήνιο Δίκτυο για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση είναι επιστημονική ένωση – μη κερδοσκοπικό σωματείο και μέλος του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση (IDEA).
University of Kent

The University of Kent is committed to the transformative power of education and is international through its community, outreach and academic action.
University of Thessaly, Department of Early Childhood Education

The University of Thessaly is a prominent institution of Higher Education aiming to promote scientific knowledge through teaching and research, and to contribute to the cultural and economic development of the local community, and the society at large. It promotes scientific and academic excellence in all fields of expertise and rewards outstanding individual performances, establishing new scientific research units and fostering an environment that supports innovative actions.
Los Angeles

YUP foundation is a non-profit organization, headquartered in California, Los Angeles. The specific purpose of the corporation is to provide support and assistance to those displaced by the conflicts in Syria.