First Nations
Date: 29 Sep 2022
Local Start Time: 2:00pm
Location: Abrons Arts Center
Amals meets Lenape Elders and Youth from the Delaware Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma and the Delaware Nation at Moraviantown in Ontario.
In partnership with Abrons Arts Center and with thanks to JJ Lind.
Free – no booking required
All events with Amal are suitable for children and families.
Little Amal Walks NYC is a co-production between The Walk Productions and St. Ann’s Warehouse. Between 14 September – 2 October Amal will be welcomed at 55 events across the five boroughs of New York City.

Delaware Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma

The name Delaware was given to the people who lived along the Delaware River, and the river in turn was named after Lord de la Warr, the governor of the Jamestown colony. The name Delaware later came to be applied to almost all Lenape people.
In our language, which belongs to the Algonquian language family, we call ourselves Lenape (len-NAH-pay) which means something like “The People.” Our ancestors were among the first Indians to come in contact with the Europeans (Dutch, English, & Swedish) in the early 1600s.
The Delaware were called the “Grandfather” tribe because we were respected by other tribes as peacemakers since we often served to settle disputes among rival tribes. We were also known for our fierceness and tenacity as warriors when we had to fight, however, we preferred to choose a path of peace with the Europeans and other tribes.
Continue reading about The Delaware Tribe of Indians HERE.
Delaware Nation at Moraviantown in Ontario

The Delaware Nation at Moraviantown has a rich and ancient history. Our original homeland is found along the Eastern Seaboard of North America, specifically, areas known today as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
The Delaware, or Lunaapeew, as we call ourselves, are revered by other Indigenous Nations as ‘the Grandfather Tribe. We established settlements up and down the Delaware and Hudson Rivers, where we farmed, hunted, fished and gathered for food, as well as traded with other Nations. At one time, our population is estimated to be in excess of 65,000.
Continue reading about The Delaware Nation at Moraviantown HERE.
Abrons Arts Center

Abrons is a home for contemporary interdisciplinary arts in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. A core program of the Henry Street Settlement, Abrons mobilizes communities with the transformative power of art.
Henry Street Settlement

Henry Street Settlement’s mission is to open doors of opportunity for Lower East Side residents and other New Yorkers through social services, arts, and health care programs. The organization is distinguished by its commitment to listening to and learning from our neighbors—and then acting to meet the most pressing needs of our community.
Learn more HERE.