Exploring the market
Date: 22 Nov 2023
Local Start Time: To be revealed
Location: 20 de Noviembre & Benito Juárez markets
It’s lunchtime at 20 de Noviembre and Benito Juárez markets and Amal is hungry. She walks from shop to shop searching for something to eat and loves looking at all of the beautiful artisanship.
The start time of this event will be revealed on Amal’s Instagram and Twitter a few hours before.
Date: Wednesday 22 November
Time: to be revealed shortly before
Location:20 de Noviembre and Benito Juárez markets, Oaxaca.
It is always free to walk with Amal. To help make a difference The Amal Fund with Choose Love supports displaced children across the world. If you can, please make a donation today: chooselove.org/theamalfund