Amal’s Playdate
Date: 17 May 2024
Local Start Time: 10:00 am
Location: Stormont, Belfast
Amal joins children from Fane Street Primary School in a creative journey that champions inclusion, empathy, and a sense of belonging for all. The children will invite Amal to join in the universal language of childhood—embracing play, laughter, and the freedom to dream.
Amal will be presented with a special care package made by her new friends with little bits of happiness and wishes for her onward journey.
Directed by Samantha Porceillio (Place to Wonder Theatre Company) and Louise Conaghan (Play Make Believe)
It is always free to walk with Amal. To help make a difference The Amal Fund with Choose Love supports displaced children across the world. If you can, please make a donation today: