Almost like home?
Date: 23 Sep 2022
Local Start Time: 5:30pm
Location: Bay Ridge, 5th Ave & 68th St, Brooklyn
In Bay Ridge Amal almost feels she’s back home in Aleppo. Caught up in a Syrian wedding procession, she discovers she still remembers the words of all the songs…
A celebration created by community based organizations gathered by the Arab American Family Support Center.
Musical procession
Free – no booking required
Time: 5:30pm
All of Amal’s events are suitable for children and families
Little Amal Walks NYC is a co-production between The Walk Productions and St. Ann’s Warehouse in association with Handspring Puppet Company. Between 14 September – 2 October Amal will be welcomed at 55 events across the five boroughs of New York City.

Arab American Family Support Center

The Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC) is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization established in 1994 to provide culturally and linguistically competent, trauma-informed, multigenerational social services to immigrants and refugees. We strengthen families through 4 key priority areas and our work extends to communities globally.
All our priority areas – Prevent, Get Ready, Promote, and Communicate are interlinked. Our theory of change identifies the family as a key focal point, so we offer integrated, holistic services across generations and at all stages of the immigration journey to encourage healthy paths to success and fulfillment.
While we support anyone who walks through our doors, over our 27 years of experience, we have developed expertise serving the Arab, Middle Eastern, North African, Muslim, and South Asian (AMENAMSA) immigrant and refugee communities. Our staff speak 36 languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Urdu, and Wakhi.
Arab American Association

Shahana Hanif, City Council Member, District 39

Yemeni American Merchants Association


Al Salam Lutheran Church
Muslims Giving Back