Explore los eventos y socios que dieron la bienvenida a la pequeña Amal a San Diego, CA, Noviembre 3-5.
Noviembre 3- 5
San Diego, CA Eventos
Te invito a mi mundo
San Diego, CA
Viernes Noviembre, 3

Amal se adentra en un mundo de maravillas hipnotizadoras cuando asiste a una actuación muy especial de la compañía de marionetas Animal Cracker Conspiracy.
En colaboración con la Sinfónica de San Diego, Animal Cracker Conspiracy y Conrad Prebys Foundation.
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Lleva un mensaje por mí
San Diego CA
Sábado Noviembre, 4

Amal llega a San Ysidro, un barrio fronterizo de San Diego, para recoger un mensaje para las familias migrantes que viven al otro lado de la frontera, en Tijuana. Atraviesa la Estación Comunitaria UCSD-CASA, donde es recibida por la comunidad local y un desfile de bailarines, músicos y estudiantes.
En colaboración con UCSD Center on Global Justice, Casa Familiar, UCSD Department of Theater and Dance, Friends of Friendship Park and Conrad Prebys Foundation.
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No sigas las reglas
San Diego, CA
Sábado Noviembre, 4

La Jolla Playhouse llevará a Amal a una alegre aventura en San Diego para celebrar el poder del teatro y la rica diversidad cultural de la ciudad.
En colaboración con el programa Without Walls de La Jolla Playhouse y Conrad Prebys Foundation.
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Amal y Sueños
San Diego, CA
Sábado Noviembre 4

Agotada por el ajetreo del día, Amal se encuentra atrapada entre la vigilia y el sueño. No puede creer lo que están viendo sus ojos cuando se le aparecen criaturas mágicas… ¿Seguirá soñando?
En colaboración con Imagine Brave Spaces, Monarch School Performance Ensemble, Voices of Our City Choir, Majdal Center, Chicano Park Steering Committee y Conrad Prebys Foundation
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Arrastrada a la orilla
San Diego, CA
Sábado Noviembre 4

Amal anhela jugar con otros niños en la playa cuando descubre los restos de sus queridas pertenencias, arrastrados por la corriente. Mientras escucha el mar, piensa en los millones de niños refugiados de todo el mundo, que también buscan una vida mejor.
En colaboración con Blindspot Collective, Students Rebuild, ArtPower at UC San Diego, Medecins Sans Frontieres – Doctors Without Borders and Conrad Prebys Foundation.
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San Diego, CA
Animal Cracker Conspiracy

Anthony Rundblade

Ashley Mireles

Blindspot Collective

Casa Familiar

Casa Familiar was founded in 1973 and is a 501(c)(3), community-based organization dedicated to serving residents in South San Diego County. Originally established in 1968 under the name Trabajadores de la Raza, Casa has grown and expanded its efforts from solely serving Spanish-speaking families in San Ysidro to providing services and programs to all South San Diego County residents. Early on, Casa recognized that its predominantly low-income clients have changing and varied needs. Casa‘s approach allows the agency to adapt to community needs through a multi-faceted program and funding strategy. This permits the sustaining of advocacy and community development at its core, while simultaneously examining and addressing community needs. Casa Familiar has been serving people in South San Diego for 50 years.
Chicano Park Steering Committee

Estudio Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman

Fundación Regalando Amor

Imagine: Brave Spaces

Imagine is an applied theatre company with a commitment to the intersection of theatre, multimedia arts and social engagement. The use of arts to bring about social justice and to increase positive community engagement is at the heart of our mission, which invites diverse communities to reflect on their world, identify injustices, and then imagine a better reality; one that moves us closer to “Beloved Community”—the flourishing and harmony of all.
La Jolla Playhouse

Majdal Center

Majdal, the Arab Community Center of San Diego, is a resource and community center located in El Cajon with a mission to service, uplift, and build power for San Diego’s Arab refugee and migrant communities. Formally established in 2018, the center’s work emerged from volunteer efforts to respond to the migration of Syrian refugees resettling to San Diego in 2016. The Majdal Center’s services, programs, and campaigns intersect across four programmatic areas: Youth Education and Leadership; Community Health: Economic Empowerment; and Policy.
San Diego Symphony

Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve

Tobin Center for the Performing Arts

University of California San Diego

UCSD-CASA Community Station

UCSD-Alacran Community Station

University of California San Diego Center on Global Justice

City of San Diego

Monarch School Project

Monarch School Project nurtures resilience in unhoused youth and their families. We empower students to influence their own growth in the areas of academic success and social emotional learning. We reinforce the existing strength of families so that students can thrive in school and in life.
Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Voices of Our City Choir

Based in San Diego, California for neighbors experiencing homelessness, Voices of Our City Choir (a 501c3 nonprofit) is an internationally recognized performance ensemble uplifting audiences worldwide. Voices offers a safe, creative community amplifying the voices of people impacted by homelessness through music and the arts. Members develop renewed hope, personal empowerment, and the life skills to achieve their goals. Voices’ national recognition for its unique human services model addressing the homeless epidemic includes: the PBS documentary “The Homeless Chorus Speaks”, 2020 America’s Got Talent’s Golden Buzzer Winner for Original Song “Sounds of the Sidewalk”, the New York Times, the San Diego Psychological Association, and the National Conflict Resolution Center’s 2022 Peacemaker Award.
For more information, please visit www.voicesofourcity.org
Vantage Theatre

Welcome Center at NEISD