Explore los eventos y socios que dieron la bienvenida a la pequeña Amal a El Paso, TX, entre el 25 y el 26 de octubre.
25 y el 26 de octubre
El Paso, TX Eventos
Nuestros actos de generosidad
El Paso, TX
Miércoles, Octubre 25

Cuando Amal tome sus primeros pasos en la cuidad de El Paso va estar rodeada de la comunidad inmigrante que le extiende la mano con sus propios actos de generosidad.
En colaboración con Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, BNHR, Casa Carmelita, Sacred Liberation, TFN, and Diocesan Migrant Refugee Services, Wise Fools, Immigrant Families Together, Aoy Elementary/EPISD y City of El Paso Parks and Recreation.
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En el jardín de la sanación
El Paso, TX
Miércoles, Octubre 25

Amal visita The Healing Garden y reflexiona sobre las 23 vidas trágicamente pérdidas durante el tiroteo masivo de Walmart en El Paso en 2019.
En colaboración con Creative Kids, El Paso Pro-Musica, United Way of El Paso County, BOOST Network and El Paso County Parks y Recreation.
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¡Los estudiantes internacionales se unen!
El Paso, TX
Jueves, Octubre 26

Amal empieza el día en UTEP’s Interdisciplinary Research Building en el corazón de Centennial Plaza.
Allí se encuentra con estudiantes butaneses y otros estudiantes internacionales que acaban de llegar a este país como ella.
En colaboración con City of El Paso y The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).
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¡Feliz cumpleaños, El Paso!
El Paso, TX
Jueves Octubre, 26

Amal está encantada de haber sido invitada a la fiesta del 150 aniversario de la fundación de El Paso. Se une a la ciudad para celebrar el espíritu resiliente de sus gentes y el mosaico cultural que define a la llamada Ciudad del Sol.
En colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de El Paso, William Kentridge Studio, Lush Cosmetics y Ben & Jerry’s.
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El Paso, TX Asociaciones

Ben & Jerry's

Boost Network

City of El Paso

Creative Kids

Creative Kids is a nationally recognized creative youth development agency that positively impacts under-resourced populations in the border community of El Paso, Texas helping young people to thrive through the transformative power of the arts. Creative Kids’ 16,000 sq. ft. Headquarters, known as the oLo Gallery (Other Learning Opportunities), is located in the Union Plaza District in downtown El Paso. This facility is the permanent home to Creative Kids’ art studios and gallery, cooking facility, multimedia skills development center and administrative offices.
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc.

Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services Inc. (DMRS) is the largest provider of free legal immigration services in West Texas and New Mexico and has been serving the immigrant community since 1986. In 2022, we served more than 31,000 people. If you would like to help fund our work, any contribution is welcome! Thank you!
Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services is the largest provider of free immigration legal services in West Texas and New Mexico and has been serving the immigrant community since 1986. By 2022, we are serving more than 31,000 people. If you would like to help fund our work, any contribution is welcome. Thank you!
Lush Cosmetics

Rubin Center for the Arts

The Rubin Center for the Visual Arts at The University of Texas El Paso is a bridge between the university and the world beyond its walls. The Center supports artist-led and community-centered explorations of contemporary life from the US-Mexico border. Through rigorous and risk-taking programs, exhibitions, and performances, the Center invites dialogue between diverse publics–campus and community, local and international–across disciplines and geographies. We serve as a dynamic training ground for a new generation of creative practitioners who are expanding the ways that artists can exist in the world.
University of Texas El Paso

United Way of El Paso County

Refugee Rights El Paso
Aoy Elementary/EPISD
Casa Carmelita
City of El Paso Parks and Recreation
Immigrant Families Together
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
Sacred Liberation
Wise Fools