أصدقاء بالإيمان
Shoshana Boyd Gelfand
United Kingdom
Shoshana Boyd Gelfand is a rabbi, author, radio broadcaster and leadership coach. She currently serves as Director of Leadership and Learning for Pears Foundation, where she also manages the foundation’s interfaith and international development grants.
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury, UK
Pilgrims and visitors have made their way to Canterbury Cathedral since the Middle Ages. It remains one of the most visited places in the country, and, just as importantly, a working, living church and community.
eCapella Musicale della Basilica Papal
La Cappella Musicale della Basilica Papale di San Francesco in Assisi le cui origini risalgono al 1230 d.c., offre a coloro che visitano il Santuario una pregiata esecuzione di musica sacra.
La Cappella Musicale della Basilica Papale di San Francesco in Assisi, whose origins date back to 1230 AD, offers those who visit the Sanctuary a precious performance of sacred music.
Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 members who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world.
Inspired by Catholic faith, Caritas is the helping hand of the Church – reaching out to the poor, vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love.
The Migrantes Foundation
The Migrantes Foundation is an organism of the Italian Episcopal Conference that accompanies the particular Churches in the knowledge, evangelization and care of migrants, Italian and foreign.
La Fondazione Migrantes è un organismo della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana che accompagna le Chiese particolari nella conoscenza, evangelizzazione e cura dei migranti, italiani e stranieri.
Migrants & Refugees
The Migrants & Refugees Section, directed personally by Pope Francis, is a small Vatican office to help the Church and others to accompany those forced to flee and make sure they are not shut out or left behind.
La Sezione Migranti e Rifugiati, personalmente diretta da Papa Francesco, è un piccolo ufficio Vaticano che sostiene la Chiesa e altri ad accompagnare coloro che sono costretti a fuggire e assicurarsi che non vengano esclusi o lasciati indietro.
Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra
Leicester, UK
Ibrahim Mogra is an imam from Leicester and former Assistant Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain.
St James's Church Piccadilly
London, UK
St James’s is a lively, inclusive Anglican Church in central London, welcoming people for all faiths and none, especially those seeking refuge and asylum.
St Paul's Cathedral
United Kingdom
St Paul’s Cathedral has been here for over 1,400 years. It has been built and rebuilt five times, and always its main purpose has been as a place of worship and prayer
Dr Rowan Williams
Former Archbishop of Canterbury
Wales, UK
The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord Williams of Oystermouth, Rowan Williams was the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury until 2012 and became Chancellor of the University of South Wales in 2013. He is acknowledged internationally as an outstanding scholar, teacher, poet, and theologian, and has written extensively across a wide range of related fields including philosophy, theology, spirituality and religious aesthetics.
Revd Lucy Winkett
Rector of St James's Piccadilly
London, UK
Revd Lucy Winkett is Rector of St James’s Church Piccadilly, a writer and broadcaster. Formerly Canon Precentor at St Paul’s Cathedral, and a professional singer, she was among the first generation of women to be ordained priest in the Church of England.