الأحداث  /  المملكة المتّحدة  /  وجبة ساخنة ويوم بارد

وجبة ساخنة ويوم بارد

تاريخ: 28 Oct 2021

وقت البدء المحلي: 15:00

موقعك: Erdington High Street

بلد: المملكة المتّحدة

Community Event
Outdoor Event

In this huge community event, Amal is welcomed to Birmingham by the diverse communities of the city.

They will share a celebratory outdoor meal to sustain her on her journey.

Sign up below to find out more about how to participate in The Walk events.

In Partnership with:

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games



Taking place from 28 July to 8 August, the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase the West Midlands on the global stage.

Birmingham City Council
