الأحداث  /  المملكة المتّحدة  /  من حكايات كانتربري إلى حكايات لجوئي

من حكايات كانتربري إلى حكايات لجوئي

تاريخ: 21 Oct 2021

وقت البدء المحلي: 12:00

موقعك: Processional meeting point - the Buttermarket

بلد: المملكة المتّحدة

Public Event
Outdoor Event

Joined by the children of Canterbury Amal walks to the local university accompanied by a giant urban fox as her guide through the city..

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In Partnership with:

University of Kent



The University of Kent is committed to the transformative power of education and is international through its community, outreach and academic action.