الأحداث  /  اليونان  /  المشي مع الكلمات

المشي مع الكلمات

تاريخ: 27 Aug 2021

بلد: اليونان

حدث عام
في الهواء الطّلق 

سيجسر Biennale of Western Balkans (BOWB) وHabibi Works وشركاء “المسار” الإبداعيّين الهوّة بطول ٧كم القائمة بين مركز مدينة يوانينا الّذي يعجّ بالحيويّة ومخيّم كاتسيكاس للّاجئين بعمل إنشائي خلّاب يجمع الأنوار والكلمات.

سجّلوا لاكتشاف طرق أخرى تساهمون عبرها في أحداث “المسار”. 

بالشّراكة مع: 

بيينالي غربيّ البلقان (BOWB)


The Biennale of Western Balkans promotes intangible and natural heritage through art, technology and open knowledge, with the vision to inspire people experiencing tradition anew.

بلديّة يوانينا



مختبر Fab Lab في يوانينا



FAB LAB IOANNINA  is an active node of the Digital Fabrication Laboratories network Fab Labs, that are a platform for cooperation between people and organizations from different countries around the world.

مهرجان فوتوميتريا



Photometria International Photography Festical is organized by “Entefxis”, a non-profit organization. Organized for the 13th year in the city of Ioannina is the first interactive Photography Festival in which everyone who loves the art of photography can participate.

مسرح أنطرال


مركز إيپيروس للشّباب



The Youth Centre of Epirus (YC Epirus) is a non-profit organisation located in Ioannina, in the heart of the Epirus region, Greece. It hosts departments of young adult non-formal education and asylum seeker integration.

"الشّجرة الثّانية"


Second Tree is a community-led, volunteer-run, grassroots NGO that supports, teaches and learns with refugees across Northern Greece.

"حبيبي ووركس"


Habibi Works is an intercultural maker space and platform for education, empowerment and encounters for refugees and Greek locals in the North of Greece.