أمضت آمال بضعة أيّام جميلة في التعرّف إلى أصدقاء جدد في بلدات ومدن ي جميع أنحاء سويسرا وألمانيا وبلجيكا، وذلك قبل متابعة رحلتها نحو الشمال.
سبتمبر – أكتوبر 2021
سويسرا وألمانيا وبلجيكا
Under the Chair, Behind the Wall
Geneva, Switzerland
Amal is welcomed in Geneva with several stops and meetings between the Place des Nations and Le Grand Theatre de Genève.
Step 1: Place des Nations
Upon her arrival in Geneva, Amal visited the UN to be heard and to find help. There she met the association Weaving the Future, which works for the integration of migrants through sewing and fashion design and which holds its activities at the nearby Centre Rigot and Espace Sécheron. The members of the association offered Amal a giant bag of their own making to carry her belongings and the gifts she receives throughout her journey.
Step 2: Bains des Pâquis
Amal appeared inside the Bains des Pâquis. She met migrant women and their children who are members of the Camarada Association. The women gifted Amal with specialties and sweets from their home countries.
Step 3: Place du Rhône – Pont des Bergues – Place du Rhône
Amal goes to meet the passers-by in the city centre of Geneva.
Step 4: Parc des Bastions
Amal appeared in the Parc des Bastions where she met the Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève and classes from the Hugo-de-Senger school. The students brought migratory bird puppets, designed in class during a workshop led by puppeteer Cécile Chevalier. The migratory birds give Amal a “map of safe havens”, where the children have listed all the places where they would feel safe if they too were to flee their homes. Then, the children and the migratory birds guide Amal out of the park and towards the Grand Théâtre de Genève where she will spend the night.
Step 5: Grand Théâtre de Genève
A public concert organised for Amal by the Grand Théâtre de Genève. Between the songs of the world Amal, sitting on a giant chair among the audience, fell asleep gently dreaming of the next shores.
These are all past events that took place on 28 September 2021.
I Want to be a Scientist
Geneva, Switzerland
Amal visited CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, to meet a representative of Physics without frontiers.
Like many little girls, she dreams of being a scientist when she is older.
This is a past event that took place on 29 September 2021.
Light Dreams
Stuttgart, Germany
Amal’s evening in Stuttgart was filled with dreams and the large puppets of the Dundu family filled with light.
This is a past event that took place on 1 October 2021.
When I Miss My Grandparents
Cologne, Germany
Cologne Cathedral
Cologne welcomed Amal with the grandparents of the city.
At Cologne Cathedral, Cologne’s senior citizens and their grandchildren, together with community musicians, led her through the streets of the city to Ehrenfeld in a large parade.
Arriving at the park of the Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld, a large table welcomed Amal with a shared meal, music and fairy tales from all over the world.
In partnership with Sommerblut, Art Asyl and Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld, with the cooperation of Music4everybody!
This is a past event that took place on 2 October 2021.
Sticks and Stones
Recklinghausen, Germany
Der Landschaftspark Emscherbruch
In an event created by The Ruhrfestspiele Festival, the local community in Recklinghausen painted small pebbles and decorated them with messages of welcome.
The painted stones together created a huge constellation, a symbol for a lasting sign of safe passage for refugees.
This is a past event that took place on 4 October 2021.
Brussels, Belgium
La Monnaie Square
In Brussels, dancers, parkour and circus artists came together to create a dance piece exploring Amal’s traumatic memories of home. With renowned choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.
Amal is chased through the streets by her memories. Wherever she looks what was once ordinary has become threatening…
You’ve Got Mail
Brussels, Belgium
Parc Maximilien
Amal, La Monnaie, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles and Bozar delivered a mountain of letters in defence of childhood to the European Parliament in Brussels.
Each letter had been sent by children from around the world, many of whom Amal has met on her journey from Syria.
Their words were transformed into song that the young people’s choir La Monnaie sang outside the building.
This is a past event that took place on 7 October 2021.
Just Arrived
Antwerp, Belgium
Amal was welcomed by Hetpaleis and the artist Hussein Mahdi who prepared a walk in Antwerp through the eyes of a newcomer.
This unique encounter explored the experience of newly arrived refugees in the city.
This is a past event that took place on 8 October 2021.
When Giants Meet
Antwerp, Belgium
Borgerhout Town Hall
In a celebratory event bringing together the diverse communities of Antwerp, Amal stumbleed upon a family of local giants (De Reuzen) who became her hosts in the city.
Together they walked through Antwerp in a public parade that culminated in a lively party organised by ATLAS.
This is a past event that took place on 9 October 2021.
Just a Line in the Sand
Bouillon, Belgium
Amal crossed the French border in an event organised by the people of Bouillon.
In partnership with ASBL La Source et Compagnie la Pendue.
This is a past event that took place on 10 October 2021.