بدأت رحلة آمال في غازي عينتاب، وهي بلدة تحدّ تركيّا ووطنها سوريّا. سافرت آمال من الشرق إلى الغرب انطلاقًا من غازي عينتاب عبر تركيّا نحو أوروبا.
يوليو – أغسطس 2021
When Nights are Dark
Castle of Gaziantep

Lost in the darkness Amal was unable to see a way through the city of Gaziantep.
Slowly, one lantern at a time, the city became illuminated revealing a path of light. This light installation led by artist Ali M. Demirel was followed by a joyful music event by Nefes Music School’s Orchestra. At the end of the concert, students of Karam House gave her a suitcase of gadgets they designed to help her along the journey.
This is a past event that took place on 27 July 2021
Big Pots, Warm Hearts
Kırkayak Kültür

Women living in Gaziantep welcome Amal to a Kitchen (Matbakh) Workshop by Kırkayak Kültür.
There they share empowering tales for girls and cook the favourite food.
This is a past event that took place on 27 July 2021
The Bridge Above
Taşköprü & Zübeyde Hanım Park

In Adana Amal crossed the historic Taşköprü stone bridge accompanied by local groups who work with the Orange Blossom Carnival.
SGDD-ASAM’s Al Farah Choir sang songs of friendship for Little Amal at the Zübeyde Hanım Park located near the Taşköprü bridge.
Together they built another bridge, a bridge in the sky, symbolising safe crossing for Amal and the many others like her who are journeying toward safety.
This is a past event that took place on 28 July 2021
From St Paul to St Paul’s
St. Paul Monument Museum

In the ancient city of Tarsus, the local community created a gift for Amal to take from St Paul’s birthplace all the way to St Paul’s Cathedral in London, United Kingdom.
She carries with her on her long journey all the way to St Paul’s Cathedral in London…
This is a past event that took place on 29 July 2021
A Quiet Place
Mersin City Cemetery

Amal visited Mersin cemetery with Kültürhane, a collective of local artists and academics.
A unique and sacred place representing tolerance, Mersin cemetery is a multi-faith burial ground where Christians, Jews and Muslims are laid to rest together.
This is a past event that took place on 30 July 2021
My First Sea
Adnan Menderes Bulvarı – Özgecan Aslan Peace Square

Amal discovers the sea for the first time…
As night descends in Mersin, Amal walked along the beautiful seafront promenade looking for a place to sleep.
This is a past event that took place on 30 July 2021
Entry to the City
Hadrian Gate – Muratpaşa

Amal wonders the winding alleyways of Kaleiçi in Antalya.
She discovers the spectacular iconic Hadrian gate made of marble, one of the iconic landmarks of the city.
This is a past event that took place on 30 July 2021
Movie Night
Adalya Foundation Engelsiz Café

The Short Film Directors Association presented a special outdoor screening of short movies in the beautiful surroundings of Antalya.
Hosted at Adalya Foundation’s accessible venue for disabled people.
This is a past event that took place on 1 August 2021
Nature Walk
Hierapolis-Pamukkale UNESCO World Heritage Site

Amal paid a visit to the thermal pools of Pamukkale’s UNESCO World Heritage Site.
There she walked among the white rocks and magical hot water springs which are said to have healing powers.
This is a past event that took place on 3 August 2021
The Memory of Walls
Kaleiçi Old Bazaar – Bayramyeri

In an outdoor photographic installation of portraits of refugees who have passed through Turkey, Amal walked the streets of Denizli surrounded by images of people just like her…
This photography exhibition was curated by Yücel Tunca.
This is a past event that took place on 3 August 2021
Nature Walk
Ephesus Ruins, 35920 Selçuk / İzmir

Amal’s journey brings her to Ephesus, a fascinating ancient port city with a rich history.
Among the ruins Amal learned about what once made Ephesus one of the most important cities of the ancient world.
This is a past event that took place on 5 August 2021
Şehit Polis Metin Tavaslıoğlu Str. & Tabak Str. - Carpouza Café

Little Amal was welcomed in Selçuk-Ephesus by the Balconnection initiative with the support of Efes Selçuk Municipality. Little Amal, appeared in the kindergarten of Selçuk Municipality, in the neighborhood where many musicians live, walking with children and musicians.
The rhythm group students of Prof. Dr. İsmail Aka Library, REFES, Erden Dereli, Görkem Çırak, Elif Buran, Azra Günlemeç, Ahmet Başaran, Alina Yıldız joined musicians Kerim Akgüneş, Kamber Karameşe, Burhan Aslan, Üstün Üstündağ, Tayfun Şeliman. Before the ARAF show, the group also performed in the garden of Cafe Carpouza facing the exhibition area.
ARAF (Purgatory)
On the Ephesus – Selçuk stop, the Balconnection team prepared a multidisciplinary, participatory art project based on not only immigration but also the interrupted migrations and being stuck somewhere in between.
Özgür Ceylan’s art video: “All the Way”; Azadeh Ramezani Tabrizi’s art video: “Arafabad” and with Murat Savaşkan, “Araf”, a collage of audio – was played for the audience that gathered.
We are grateful for collaboration of Yeşim Kopan, Sakine Kayhan, Balconnection Initiative and the Municipality of Selçuk.
This is a past event that took place on 4 August 2021
Friendship Under the Pine Trees
K2 Urla Breathing Zone

The K2 Urla Breathing Zone, an arts residency run by K2 Contemporary Arts Centre, welcomed Amal to Urla.
Amal walked among the tall trees in the woods that surround the residency enjoying the peaceful natural world of Urla.
This is a past event that took place on 5 August 2021
A Message from Far Away
Portland Maine and K2 Urla Breathing Zone

In Portland Maine refugee children who have made a new home in the States performed a song for Amal in a community event to wish her well on her long journey.
Across the oceans Amal and the children connected through technology, sharing precious moments together.
This is a past event that took place on 5 August 2021
Children Like Us
Kemeraltı – Konak Square

As Amal walks in Kemeraltı, she met six friends almost her own age and size.
İzmir International Puppet Days created a 2 month-long puppetry workshop with the support of Goethe-Institut. During the workshop, 18 refugee children from the SGDD-ASAM’s network – between the ages of 9 and 12 years – designed, made, and learn to play with six giant puppets to welcome Amal to İzmir.
At Konak Square, folklore dancers welcomed Amal with a huge celebratory dance where she learned the traditional Zeybek dance.
This is a past event that took place on 6 August 2021
Picnic In The Park

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, İzmir International Puppet Days and SGDD-ASAM invited Little Amal to an open-air gathering at Külturpark.
There she met local and refugee families and play games with their kids.
This is a past event that took place on 7 August 2021
The Way to the Sea
Sağlık Bay - Musalla

A path of shoes wind through the city of Çeşme, all the way to the seashore.
Created by the K2 Contemporary Art Center with participation of young artists in Izmir, this installation represented all those who passed through the city during the refugee crisis and pays tribute to those who lost their lives crossing the Mediterranean.
Amal was joined by Syrian DJ OM. EL BEAT who created an electrifying mix of Syrian and Turkish tracks to underscore Amal’s farewell to Turkey.
This is a past event that took place on 8 August 2021