في أيّار ٢٠٢٢ سافرت آمال إلى لڤيڤ في أوكرانيا وإلى ثلاث مدن في بولندا لزيارة اللاجئين الأوكرانيين من أطفالٍ وعائلات أُجبروا على الفرار من عنف الحرب.
مايو 2022
أوكرانيا وبولندا
Stryjskyj Park

Amal walked through the Stryjskyj Park in Lviv meeting children and families living in the refugee housing in the park.
“The world has united to support Ukraine. It supports us to defend democracy in the world. Amal’s visit attracts the world’s attention. It helps Ukraine stay on the front pages. This attention is a new chance to end the war. This is a new chance to help Ukrainians. Every article, public person, social event transforms into a new home for those who lost theirs, in medical and humanitarian aid.” – Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv
Opera House

Amal later was greeted by the Mayor of Lviv on the steps of Lviv Opera House where a children’s choir sang for her. Amal brought with her gifts for children in Lviv.
“We are deeply grateful to Mayor Sadovyi for welcoming us so warmly to Lviv. Amal brings with her a powerful desire for peace and friendship between all people. She walks to help draw attention to the hundreds of children killed and injured and the millions who have been forced to leave their homes by the war in Ukraine.” – David Lan and Tracey Seaward, producers of The Walk

Amal began her journey in Lublin where she walked through the old city welcomed by local artists and musicians. In partnership with the Mayor of Lublin, Warsztaty Kultury and with the support of the Ukrainian Consulate in Lublin.
“Lublin has always been a gateway to the east and a meeting place, and now it is also a place where we come together despite all odds.” – Agnieszka Wojciechowska, Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie

Amal was welcomed at the town close to the border with Ukraine and visits the nearby Tesco Aid Centre, one the early response sites welcoming displaced people. She walked from the railway station, through the town, meeting local artists and children. In partnership with Wojciech Bakun, the Mayor of Przemyśl, Mrs Renata Nowakowska, Przemyśl City Council, Centrum Kultury Zamek in Przemyśl and Tesco Aid Centre Przemyśl.
“We are very happy that little Amal will visit Przemyśl, and her visit in the border town next to the country at war will be a symbol of calling for peace, tranquility and humanity.” – Wojciech Bakun, the Mayor of Przemyśl
“We hope that Amal will draw the world’s attention to the refugee crisis that Europe has not seen since the end of World War II. Amal symbolizes the millions of refugees who have been forced to leave their homes. Our Folkowisko Foundation has been involved in helping Ukraine since the beginning of the war, our roots are spreading culture, therefore the artistic expression that Amal carries with it is so important to us.” – Aleksander Sola Vice President Folkowisko Foundation

Amal walked from the Wawel Royal Castle to the historic Rynek Główny Square accompanied by traditional Ukrainian musician Gordiy Starukh. In the Square she was welcomed by newly arrived Ukrainian children and families. In partnership with with Jacek Majchrowski Mayor of Krakow, Krakow Opera House, KTO Theatre, Krakow Festival Office and The Poland-Ukraine Institute Foundation.
In her first major appearance since she completed her 8,000km journey from Gaziantep to Manchester in 2021, Amal brought with with her urgently needed aid focussing on supplies needed for young children.
“The machine of war is faceless, it’s metal grinding metal, but victims of the battles grownups fight have names and children are often the worst victims. That’s why Amal went to Ukraine. She’s a big girl so she can remind us there are many Amals and many Annas and many Andriys and many Abduls.” – Amir Nizar Zuabi, Artistic Director, The Walk
All events in Ukraine and Poland were made possible with the support of the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland.
Our partners included:
The Ukrainian Embassy in Poland, Mayor of Lviv, Lviv National Opera, Kurbas Theatre, Lviv City Council, Jacek Majchrowski, the Mayor of Krakow, Krzysztof Żak, the Mayor of Lublin, Ukrainian Consulate in Lublin, Krakow Opera House, Krakow Festival Office, KTO Theatre Krakow, The Poland-Ukraine Institute Foundation, Warsztaty Kultury in Lublin, Tesco Aid Centre Przemyśl, Wojciech Bakun, the Mayor of Przemyśl, Centrum Kultury Zamek in Przemyśl, Choose Love, The Shapiro Foundation, Folkowisko Foundation and PepsiCo Foundation, Folkowisko Foundation.